Quote Management Overview

  1. Credit card - You can pay online through the shopping cart.
  2. Check - You may send your check and a printed copy of your quote to the following address:

    National Restaurant Association
    37020 Eagle Way
    Chicago IL, 60678-1370

  3. Purchase Order - Only certain customers are eligible to submit a quote along with a Purchase Order for processing:
    • You must be on your company’s roster (please contact your Sales Representative or Customer Service for further information)
    • Your company cannot already have established credit terms
    • You are affiliated with an educational institution or governmental agency

Below is a brief overview of the Quote Management System tools and how to use them to easily manage your saved quotes.

Steps to Create a Quote

Step 1: Select the items that you would like to be on your quote and add them to your shopping cart. 
Step 2:  Once you have placed all of your items into your shopping cart, click the “My Cart” button or click on the shopping cart icon in the top navigation bar.  The “My Cart” page will then be displayed. 
Step 3:  On the “My Cart” page, click the “Save Quote” button.   
Step 4:  On the “Shipping” page, enter your shipping information, phone number, fax number, and Quote Name, then click “Continue”. 
Step 5: On the “Select Shipping Method” page, select your shipping method and, if applicable, enter a coupon code then click “Save Quote”.   Your quote has now been saved.  It will be displayed for you on the “Quote Details” page. 
You can access your quote at any time by clicking My Account (in the top navigation bar), and then My Quotes under the My Purchases heading.  You can also access the My Quotes page by clicking here.

Once you have successfully saved a quote, several options become available. You can:

  • Email a quote. This will send a copy of your quote details to the email address(es) you enter.
  • Print your quote. This will open a PDF file containing your quote from which you can then print.
  • Edit your quote. Note – when this action is taken the quote is placed back into your active shopping cart. Any items that were previously in your shopping cart will be removed and any pricing changes will be updated on the products you selected as part of your original quote.
  • Copy your quote. This will copy an existing quote and place the items in your active shopping cart. Again, any items that were previously in your shopping cart will be removed and any pricing changes will be updated on the products you selected as part of your original quote.
  • Delete a quote. This will remove the quote from your My Quotes listing and will no longer be accessible.
  • Submit a quote. For eligible customers, you can submit your quote for processing along with your Purchase Order. Note – Purchase Orders need to be emailed separately to PurchaseOrders@restaurant.org.
  • Cancel a quote. For customers that have a quote and Purchase Order actively being processed, you can Cancel your processing/submission request and it will no longer be processed.


Please note, quotes are only valid for 60 days (unless otherwise notified). Reminders will be sent out 7 days and 1 day before expiration to alert you of its pending status. We hope you find the Quote Management System easy to use. If you have questions for feedback, please contact us at ServiceCenter@restaurant.org.

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